Event: Multiple Estates Sale
Event Location: Atlantic Hall, Cape Porpoise, Kennebunkport, ME
Date: July 18 – 19, 2014
Time: Friday: 9-3 Saturday: 9-3
Conducted By: Little River Antiques & Estate Sales, LLC (LR)
Contact: Sandy Gnidziejko, Manager @ 207-751-6466 or sfgnidziejko@nullgmail.com
Little River Antiques Website: antiquesandestatesalesme.com
General Information: Participation in our Multiple Estates Sale gives you an opportunity to minimize and downsize your possessions in a professional atmosphere conducted by experienced antique dealers and staff. Items for inclusion in the Multiple Estates Sale are to be of Quality and in Good to Excellent condition. This sale is NOT intended to be an indoor yard sale or flea market. The better the quality of your items, the better chance of them selling at reasonable and fair market prices.
We are now accepting Home Furnishings and Home Decor Items. This includes ALL items Antique, Vintage Collectibles, Eclectic, Household and Garden Items, Primitives, Artwork, Nautical, Americana, Furniture, Textiles, Linens, Pottery, Porcelain, Glass, Metals (brass, copper, wrought iron). If your item is not listed here, please inquire further.
Agreement To Sell: Prior to inclusion in the sale we will take a look at your items under consideration to review their appropriateness for inclusion in the sale.A simple “Agreement to Sell” will be reviewed and signed by participating parties. We will then take pictures and inventory sale items for marketing, advertising and documentation purposes.
Condition of Items: All Items need to be CLEAN and in GOOD – EXCELLENT condition. Ceramics need to be free of chips, flakes, and repairs. LR reserves the right to refuse items due to their condition. Once items are agreed upon to be included in the sale, if they are removed prior to the sale, they are subject to the same commission fees as if they were included in the sale.
Pricing: LR will price items according to their fair market value and will negotiate final selling prices with buyers. Estate owners may establish reserves on items.
Item Drop Off and Pickup: Consignors are responsible for delivering items for the sale and picking up any unsold items. Designated drop off and pick up dates and times will be established.Any items not sold during the sale will be returned to the estate immediately following the conclusion of the sale. Prior arrangements with LR can be made for alternate drop off and pick up dates and times. Consignors are not required to be present during the sale.
Fees: $50.00 Participation Fee is accepted at the time of signing the Agreement to Sell. This fee is non-refundable. We charge 35% commission on each item sold. All Maine sales tax (5.5%) and credit card fees (2.75%) will be deducted from the gross individual sales.
Payment: Payment to Estates for sold items will be made by check within 7 business days from the conclusion of the sale. Individual Estates will receive a Summary Statement of sales and fees at time of payment and signifies the conclusion of the Agreement to Sell.